Thursday’s Prayer — August 25, 2022

Thursday’s Prayer — August 25, 2022

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

I am happy to wake up to you and so glad I have eternal life in you. Thank you for saving me. You have delivered me out of every trouble and brought me here. Thank you for being God.

I pray that I would feel good and be proactive today. Let me follow your guidance and walk the path you have prepared for me. Bless my work to produce good fruit that helps others.

Wednesday’s Prayer — August 24, 2022

Wednesday’s Prayer — August 24, 2022

Lord, in your mercy hear my prayer.

I’m sleepy, but still grateful you woke me up for another day of life and love. You are a generous provider God who never fails. Thank you for having a heart set on blessing me.

Bless me to redeem the time you have given me, Lord, and make great use of today. Help me prioritize your will and be obedient to your instruction. Let my work bear good fruit.

Tuesday’s Prayer — August 23, 2022

Tuesday’s Prayer — August 23, 2022

Lord, in your mercy hear my prayer.

It’s amazing how you wake me up ready to face the day and happy to have another chance to do my best for you. Thank you for doing all that you do just for me. I pray I please you.

Help me to receive your power to inspire and drive me. Meet me where I am and guide me upward and onward as only you can. Let everything that I do today faithfully reflect you.

Monday’s Prayer — August 22, 2022

Monday’s Prayer — August 22, 2022

Lord, in your mercy hear my prayer.

This day is yours, but you share it with me so generously and I am grateful. You always give me life and life more abundantly. I hope I can make you happy like you make me.

Help me to be a creative force, able to write and think with the gifts you have given me. Open my mind to receive the understanding and guidance you have for me in every way.

Friday’s Prayer — August 19, 2022

Friday’s Prayer — August 19, 2022

Lord, in your mercy hear my prayer.

Thank you for this day, with it’s golden sun rays streaming through my window to wake me up and get me smiling. You always have what I need, even when I don’t know what that is.

Let me have a relaxed and productive day, Lord. I know you have prepared today especially for me and I look forward to every challenge and opportunity that will come my way.

Wednesday’s Prayer — August 17, 2022

Wednesday’s Prayer — August 17, 2022

Lord, in your mercy hear my prayer.

Thank you for waking me up with a bang this morning. I love the energy you bring to the party. Every morning you show me new mercies and I am grateful. You are a giving God.

Help me to cross items off my list today with efficiency and mindfulness. Help me to be in the moment and seize the opportunities you send my way. Enlarge my territory, Father.

Tuesday’s Prayer — August 16, 2022

Tuesday’s Prayer — August 16, 2022

Lord, in your mercy hear my prayer.

I am happy this morning, now that I’ve finally woken up. Thank you for always putting a smile in my spirit. All of your gifts are amazing. I pray your mercy will fall afresh on me.

Help this day to go, not as I will, but as you will. Make my life over in your image, Lord. Bless me to be fully engaged with the day and to put my best foot forward. Bless me today.

Monday’s Prayer — August 15, 2022

Monday’s Prayer — August 15, 2022

Lord, in your mercy hear my prayer.

I opened my eyes this morning to see you smiling at me, what a wonderful way to wake up. Thank you for giving me this day and all that it contains. You are my bright sunrise.

Help me be fully present and engaged today. Grant that I make progress on my tasks. Give me a balanced day where I get to feed all of my passions and interests. Keep me calm.

Friday’s Prayer — August 12, 2022

Friday’s Prayer — August 12, 2022

Lord, in your mercy hear my prayer.

I am so happy to wake up this morning. I feel like you are smiling on me and that brings me joy. Nothing beats the feeling of knowing that it is you and me against the world’s woes.

I pray that you would use me to do your will and make the world a better place today. Let my efforts bear good fruit and make a real difference. Help me to build up your kingdom.

Thursday’s Prayer — August 11, 2022

Thursday’s Prayer — August 11, 2022

Lord, in your mercy hear my prayer.

This morning caught me by surprise, but everything is going according to your plan. Thank you for having a plan to give me hope and a future. I feel safe and blessed in your hands.

Help me put my best foot forward and find your blessings for me in all that I do. Allow me to reflect you and be an instrument of your peace and love today. Fill me with your joy.

Wednesday’s Prayer — August 10, 2022

Wednesday’s Prayer — August 10, 2022

Lord, in your mercy hear my prayer.

It’s a great morning that you have woken me up to see. Thank you for cooling things down and sending a cool breeze last night. I can’t wait to see what else you have in store.

Bless me to follow your guidance today. Lead me in all I do so that my efforts will bear good fruit. Let me stay knitted to you. Help me to exercise good self-care and invest in myself.

Tuesday’s Prayer — August 9, 2022

Tuesday’s Prayer — August 9, 2022

Lord, in your mercy hear my prayer.

Thank you for this glorious day and all the blessings that are contained in it. You are such a lavish provider God and I give you thanks and praise. Help me to receive your day with joy.

Bless me to make it through this work week. Give me an interest and enjoyment in my work that sustains me. Allow my work to bear good fruit and help make the world a better place.

Monday’s Prayer — August 8, 2022

Monday’s Prayer — August 8, 2022

Lord, in your mercy hear my prayer.

Thank you for waking me up in a good mood. I can’t wait see this day that you have made. I know your grace will meet me wherever I go. Help me to stay in your will and your way.

Give me a great start to the week today, Lord. Help me to be focused and equipped for the work before me. Allow me to find joy and purpose in my work. Help me to have balance.

Friday’s Prayer — August 5, 2022

Friday’s Prayer — August 5, 2022

Lord, in your mercy hear my prayer.

Thank you for this day. You woke me up and I can’t wait to see what you have in store for me today. You always make the best plans. I submit to your ways and am so glad you’re in charge.

It’s Friday at last, Lord, and I give you thanks and praise for getting me through the week. Let this day be zippy and productive. Help me to complete my work and welcome the weekend.

Thursday’s Prayer — August 4, 2022

Thursday’s Prayer — August 4, 2022

Lord, in your mercy hear my prayer.

Good morning, God. It is so good to see you and to experience this new day. Thank you for watching over me while I slept and waking me up in a good mood. You are so generous.

Help me to work and be productive and positive in all I do today. Allow me to bear good fruit and enjoy myself as I work. Grant that my work will help make the world a better place.

Wednesday’s Prayer — August 3, 2022

Wednesday’s Prayer — August 3, 2022

Lord, in your mercy hear my prayer.

Another day has dawned and as always you are there to greet me. You give me life and life more abundantly. Thank you for never leaving or forsaking me. In you I have all I need.

Thank you for this day I have before me and I pray that you would help me to make the most of it. Guide me so that my will is aligned with yours. Allow me to be blessed and to be a blessing.

Tuesday’s Prayer — August 2, 2022

Tuesday’s Prayer — August 2, 2022

Lord, in your mercy hear my prayer.

I am so happy to wake up to you this morning. Thank you for the blessing of another day of life, health, and strength. Your presence is always with me and is my most precious gift.

Help me to have a gentle day that is filled with you, Lord. Give me my daily bread and supply my needs according to your riches in glory as only you can. You are the source of my joy.

Friday’s Prayer — July 29, 2022

Friday’s Prayer — July 29, 2022

Lord, in your mercy hear my prayer.

Thank you for this morning, Lord. You are so faithful to wake me up for a brand new day. I am grateful you have let me greet the sun one more time. Let me not take you for granted.

It’s finally Friday, Lord, and I am grateful and excited. Give me a grateful heart for all that you give me. You are an excellent provider. Help me embrace all the joy you have for me.

Thursday’s Prayer — July 28, 2022

Thursday’s Prayer — July 28, 2022

Lord, in your mercy hear my prayer.

Thank you for letting me get some extra z’s this morning. You always have exactly what I need and so richly provide. I am blessed to be your child and thank you for all you do for me.

Bless me to be alert, energized, and joyful today. Help me to do my best and find my work rewarding. Guide me to make a positive difference in the world. Let me be part of the solution.