The Christian Ministry
The spreading of the gospel means effectively communicating all that was revealed and completed in Christ and why that is indeed good news. Therefore, Christian ministry happens in a variety of ways outside of the four walls of a church building as much as if not more so than it does within those walls, particularly in the today’s culture. Just as Jesus met people where they were and drew them to him, we must be committed, in whatever area of ministry to which we are called, to find relevant ways of reaching people and directing them to Christ.
Evangelism is the fulfillment of the Great Commission to share the Gospel -the saving expression of God's redeeming love through Jesus Christ-, receive disciples into the fellowship of God through baptism, and teach them the commandments of Jesus (Matthew 28:16-20). Every member of the body of Christ is called to be an evangelical force in the world (John 20:21, Acts 1:8). Evangelism is carried out through preaching, teaching, and healing (Matthew 9:35-38).