Joshua Andrews - Minister of Recovery
Dale Gadsden - Minister of Social Justice
Rev. Doris Hooks - Minister of Lay & Ministerial Training
Rev. Hooks received her Masters of Divinity Degree from Andover Newton Theology School (ANTS) in Boston, MA where she majored in Preaching and New Testament. Rev. Barron-Hooks is the originator of WBRU’s 360 Degree Sunday Morning Gospel Hour, a student run radio program at Brown University of Providence, RI. She is the founder of the Minority Health Advocate Program. This program advocates for health information and emergency care for all who do not have access to proper healthcare. The program is now housed at Miriam Hospital, Providence, RI. She is one of the original organizers of “Jesus Set the Captives Free”, a prison ministry that focuses on placing incarcerated men and women back into the local job market and reintegrating them with their families. The program is currently housed in East Point, GA under the direction of Rev. Barbara J. Williams.
Currently, Rev. Barron-Hooks is the Senior Pastor of International Community Church in Allston, MA. She was the previous Pastor of Antioch Christian Community of Providence, RI. She was also the Associate Pastor and Theologian-in-Residence for Olney Street Baptist Church in Providence, RI. She is the former Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church in Dorchester, MA and formerly the Clergy Chairperson of the Greater Fellowship of Rhode Island, a conference of several African American Baptist Churches in Greater Providence, Rhode Island. She is ordained by the Progressive Baptist Convention; and is an affiliate with the American Baptist Churches – USA. She is now a Doctorate of Ministry Candidate of Preaching and Christian Leadership at Andover Newton Theological Seminary with an expected graduation date of May, 2016.
Rev. Charla Kouadio - Minister of LGTBQ Concerns
Rev. Charla and Theresa Kouadio are the pastoral team of Christ's Community Church, UCC in Chicopee, MA.The Fellowship of Affirming Ministries1 ordained Reverend Charla L. Kouadio in 2009. In 2015 she graduated from Andover Newton Theological School with a Masters in Pastoral Studies. Christ's Community Church is an open and affirming church and has been in existence since the late 1800s. “Our vision is to share a Radically Inclusive Love and to offer a safe place where people can wrestle with the questions of faith, worship in the faith path of their understanding and engage in a radical social justice ministry reaching to the furthest margins of society, serving all in need without prejudice or discrimination.” At the core of our ministry is a mandate from the Divine to proclaim a Gospel of the Beloved Community. Pastor Charla is native of Winter Park, FL. She married Theresa Coley-Kouadio in October of 2007 and they have three children, Stephanie, Jorge and Kyla.
Eric F. Randolph, CFP® - Minister of Personal Development
Eric Randolph helped to start the investment management company Hopwood Financial Services in 2003 and has played an integral role in building the firm to where it is today. Eric is a portfolio manager and director of fixed income investments. He is a certified financial planner and has received distinction as a Five Star Financial Professional. Eric has served on the board of directors for both commercial and not-for-profit institutions and is currently on the board of the Foundations Schools in Maryland. He has also conducted countless investment seminars in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area.
Much of Eric’s time professionally and personally has been spent in an impassioned and ongoing pursuit of learning how people of all walks have realized their potential. Self-actualization, and it’s many synonyms, has been an integral part of Eric’s internal dialogue since first hearing of the concept in grade school. His thesis is that God’s promise that we, “should have life and have it more abundantly,” is to be taken quite literally and wholeheartedly. Further, he believes that through hard work, determination, wisdom, and a little patience we may more fully realize this promise. To this end, and being an avid reader, Eric reads an average of 15-20 books per year, many of which are devoted to this central topic. Believing as he does that we are defined by our pursuits, Eric has culled and refined many of the concepts, practices and paradigms that he has learned over the years. Here he offers you the best of what he’s discovered.
Rev. Justin Reed - Minister of Biblical Studies
Justin Michael Reed is a reverend at Myrtle Baptist Church in West Newton, MA and a PhD candidate in Hebrew Bible/Old Testament at Princeton Theological Seminary. He has many academic interests including intertextuality within the Hebrew Bible, history of consequences, race and ethnicity in the Hebrew Bible, and the Bible in popular culture. Beyond any academic interest in the Bible, Justin finds his most rewarding work in practicing meaningful ways to make the fruits of this biblical scholarship easily accessible to people outside of the academy. People of the Way Ministries is his most recent engagement with this cause.
Rev. Ngozi T. Robinson - Founder, Minister of Pastoral Care & Counseling
Ngozi is an ordained Baptist minister with a Masters of Science in Conflict Analysis and Resolution from George Mason University and a Masters of Divinity from Andover Newton Theological School. Ngozi's theology embraces the radical inclusivity and unconditional love that was Christ's example and essence. Her ministry is multicultural, discipleship-focused and emphasizes community and relationship. She is the founder of the People of the Way Ministries.