Sunday’s Prayer — May 2, 2021

Are you there God it’s me...

I wake bleary-eyed, but I wake. Thank you for keeping me through the night and into another day dear Father. Where would I be without your loving kindness? Teach me how to reflect your unconditional love to everyone and in all that I do.

Show me how to worship you in spirit and in truth Lord. Fill me with praise and thanksgiving as I celebrate Christ’s resurrection this day. Let me be filled with your Spirit. Even though we are apart, let me unite with other believers as one body in Christ.

Bless those who are experiencing challenges to their faith. Teach them to trust in you, even when times get tough. Fill them with the Holy Spirit and show yourself faithful so that they may strengthen their faith. Keep them from stumbling as they walk the path you have lain before them.

I am encouraged simply by being in your presence this morning. Let me continue to feel your Spirit rest, rule, and abide in me. Lord I believe, help my unbelief. My faith looks up to thee, let me never be diassapointed. It is in Jesus’ name and for his sake I pray.
