Are you there God it’s me...
I woke up with a smile today, as if the sun were already shining on me. Thank you for keeping me and allowing me to see this day. Thank you for waking me up feeling rested and happy. You have been blessing me continually lately and I am so grateful.
Let me enjoy working, but also playing today. Let my work time be productive and my play time bring me big belly laughs. I want to enjoy the day, no matter what it might bring, the way weekends were meant to be enjoyed.
Bless those who are grieving from the loss of a loved one. Honor their heartache by drawing them near. Holy Spirit be a very present source of comfort and consolation. Grant them moments of peace. Let their friends and loved ones support them and be there for them. Show me how I may help those in mourning.
Thank you in advance for answered prayer. Thank you for always hearing me when I call. Your faithfulness is amazing and I pray I can reflect it in my own life and relationships. It is in Jesus’ name and for his sake I pray.