Are you there God it’s me...
Thank you for letting me sleep in this morning Lord. The rest you provide is so restorative. I wake grateful for this new day you have blessed me to see. Thank you for watching over me every day. Where would I be without your faithfulness?
Bless my work on this day. Allow me to throw myself into my work, and work smarter not harder. Bless the work of my hands dear Lord and be beside me all the way. Help me to stay focused and centered in you. Let me not grow weary in well doing.
Bless the unemployed and underemployed oh God. Meet their needs for a job and financial support, in you mercy Lord. Be with them in their distress and help them find the perfect opportunity, according to you will Father. Let them know they are not alone and that you have their back.
As I rise to meet the day, I am so glad you are with me. Your rod and your staff they comfort me. Let me dwell in your presence forever. Help me to give you praise and thanks all of my days. It is in Jesus’ name and for his sake I pray.