Wednesday’s Prayer — March 10, 2021

Are you there God it’s me...

When I wake up we get to say hello. Thank you for another morning in your presence, and life! Your blessings continue to shower upon me. I am grateful that you care for me so tenderly and personally.

Thank you for the gifts and talents you have given me. Let me continue to develop and use them productively, faithfully, and for your glory. Help me to find joy in my work and refreshment in my leisure. Grant me a spirit of peace in all I do.

Bless the children dear Lord. Protect them in their comings and goings. Grant that they may have joy in their hearts. Protect their childhood and youthful spirits, even though the world may want them to grow up too soon. Let their innocence bring joy to the world.

Please grant me the desires of my heart. Thank you for hearing my prayer. I can always count on you. Our relationship is the source of my joy and strength. It is in Jesus’ name and for his sake I pray.

