Thursday’s Prayer — January 6, 2022

Thursday’s Prayer — January 6, 2022

It’s a blessing to be alive!

Brrr, it’s cold this morning. Thank you for giving me a house with heat and a bed with nice blankets so that I don’t have to be cold with no way to get warm. Warm all your creatures right now, Lord.

I’m excited for the day and all that it will hold. Let me make headway in my work and help me to fill my day with things that bring you joy. I want to be pleasing in your sight.

Wednesday’s Prayer — January 5, 2022

Wednesday’s Prayer — January 5, 2022

It’s a blessing to be alive!

I’m sleepy but looking forward to the day and all that it holds. You watched over me as I slept and delivered me into a brand new day. Thank you for waking me up this morning.

I pray that you would help me to have a good day today. Let me be filled with your joy and peace in all that I do. Let your energy infuse all of my work and grant me the increase.

Friday’s Prayer — December 31, 2021

Friday’s Prayer — December 31, 2021

Are you there God it’s me...

We are at the end of the year, Lord, and I have you to thank for seeing me through it. You have kept me in your presence all the way and I am blessed and grateful for your care.

Help me to have a mindful ending of the year. Allow me to honor what had passed and look forward to what you have for me that is still to come. Teach me the number of my days.

Thursday’s Prayer — December 30, 2021

Thursday’s Prayer — December 30, 2021

Are you there God it’s me...

Thank you so much for this day. No matter what I need, you always provide it. I am grateful for all of your blessings and mercy that you shower me with. You are a great God.

I pray you help me get through some of the end of year tasks that I have. Be my power and my help, in the big things and the little ones. Teach me how to lean on you for all I need.

Wednesday’s Prayer — December 29, 2021

Wednesday’s Prayer — December 29, 2021

Are you there God it’s me...

I’m sleepy, but I’m alive and awake, so I thank you. You watched over me all night and saw me safely into another day. You grace covers me and protects me from harm.

I pray that you stick close to me all day today. Cheer and encourage me with your presence. Help me to stay occupied with doing your work. Give me the gift of abundant life.

Monday’s Prayer — December 27, 2021

Monday’s Prayer — December 27, 2021

Are you there God it’s me...

It’s a wonderful day to be alive, thanks to you. Your mercies are new every morning. I am grateful for life, especially the life of your only begotten son, born so that I might have eternal life.

Help me have a productive day and follow-up on all the things that need finishing. Give me the energy and initiative that I need to have a productive day. Let me dedicate all I do to you.

Sunday’s Prayer — December 26, 2021

Sunday’s Prayer — December 26, 2021

Are you there God it’s me...

I am so happy to live in a world where the Son has been born. Thank you for letting me see another Christmas. It is always a joy to honor your coming into the world and my life.

Help me to enjoy and be blessed by these twelve days of the Christmas season. Let me encounter the Christ child in my day-to-day life and give him honor and praise.

Friday’s Prayer — December 24, 2021

Friday’s Prayer — December 24, 2021

Are you there God it’s me...

I am so sleepy this morning, but I am still grateful for another day blessed with life, health, and strength. Thank you for blessing me with life eternal through your precious son.

Grant that I may continue to be filled with your Spirit in all that I do today. Let my every action be ordained by you. Let me continue to walk in the light of your countenance.

Thursday’s Prayer — December 23, 2021

Thursday’s Prayer — December 23, 2021

Are you there God it’s me...

It’s a great day to be alive. Thank you for blessing me with breath in my lungs and the gift of abundant life. Each day with you is a gift. In you I have eternal life in your presence.

Help me to enjoy this day in your name. Let me stay focused on you in all I do, even in the small and seemingly mundane things. I dedicate all I do to you and ask for your blessing.

Wednesday’s Prayer

Wednesday’s Prayer

Are you there God it’s me...

Thank you for starting off my day with a spirit of joy and appreciation. I love it when your blessings start falling on me right away. I am so glad to have another day of life and health.

Bless me to continue enjoying your Spirit. Keep me in your presence so that I may have fullness of joy. Let me complete projects that I am working on without feeling overworked.

Tuesday’s Prayer — December 21, 2021

Tuesday’s Prayer — December 21, 2021

Are you there God it’s me...

I love it when the light first starts to peak over the horizon, before the sun appears. It is a sign that you are about to do something great. Thank you for being even more faithful than the sunrise.

Bless me to tie up loose ends this week. Let me not stop working, but show me how to rejoice in you as well as be productive. Thank you for filling me with the Advent and Christmas spirit.

Sunday’s Prayer — December 19, 2021

Sunday’s Prayer — December 19, 2021

Are you there God it’s me...

Thank you for letting me sleep in, oh Lord, but still getting me up with the blessing of another day of life. Your mercies are new every morning and I praise you for your wondrous presence in my life.

I pray that you would help me celebrate the resurrection of your sweet son, Jesus, today. Let me worship you with my whole self and get into the joy and anticipation of the Advent season.

Friday’s Prayer — December 17, 2021

Friday’s Prayer — December 17, 2021

Are you there God it’s me...

Every time I think about your goodness, I am overwhelmed with thanks. I am grateful for another day of life. You are a generous and faithful God who always provides.

I pray you will let me enjoy the day and do things that are pleasing to you. Help me to be content with what you have provided. Give me the energy and initiative to do your will.

Thursday’s Prayer — December 16, 2021

Thursday’s Prayer — December 16, 2021

Are you there God it’s me...

It’s dark and quiet, your Spirit is moving over the face of the waters as you create a brand new day. Thank you for keeping the world, and me, spinning. You are the maker of heaven and earth.

Help me to stay focused on you and do all that is needed to make the most of this day. Let things go in my favor as I seek to do your will. Bless my ministry and creative efforts to bear good fruit.

Wednesday’s Prayer — December 15, 2021

Wednesday’s Prayer — December 15, 2021

Are you there God it’s me...

It’s a great day to be alive because, with you, all things are possible. Thank you for watching over me as I slept and delivering my safely into another day of life, health, and strength.

Thank you for giving purpose to my days. Help me to embrace the anticipation of Advent and put my mind, heart, body, and soul into rejoicing in you and the coming Christmas season.

Tuesday’s Prayer — December 14, 2021

Tuesday’s Prayer — December 14, 2021

Are you there God it’s me...

I woke this morning with a smile on my lips. Thank you for helping me look forward to the day you have given me. Your mercies are new every morning and they are already coming.

Help me to consecrate all my work today to you, Lord. If I keep my eyes on you, I can overcome all the obstacles I face. Let me stay fixed in your Word and you divine will for me in all I do.