Thursday’s Prayer — January 6, 2022

It’s a blessing to be alive!

Brrr, it’s cold this morning. Thank you for giving me a house with heat and a bed with nice blankets so that I don’t have to be cold with no way to get warm. Warm all your creatures right now, Lord.

I’m excited for the day and all that it will hold. Let me make headway in my work and help me to fill my day with things that bring you joy. I want to be pleasing in your sight.

Bless the homeless and those exposed to the elements, dear Lord. Give them shelter, heat, and warmth so that they may be comfortable and safe. Let me be a part of the solution.

Thank you for being a God that sits high and holds all power yet looks low and concerns yourself with our well-being. It is in Jesus’ name and for his sake I pray.
