
Monday’s Prayer — September 19, 2022

Monday’s Prayer — September 19, 2022

Lord, I trust You.

It’s dark and foggy this morning, but I am still excited to greet the day because you have prepared it for me. Thank you for this Monday and all the abundance it contains.

Allow me to have a great time today as I stay stress-free and at ease in all I do. Let me relax and be present in the moment. Help me stop worrying about things I can not control.

Friday’s Prayer — September 16, 2022

Friday’s Prayer — September 16, 2022

Lord, I trust You.

It’s been a great morning already. I should never doubt your capacity to amaze me, even in everyday life. Thank you for waking me up to this wonderful day I get to spend with you.

Bless me to stay cool, calm, and collected today, no matter what life throws at me. Guide me and help me to hear your instruction and be obedient. Make my joy complete in you.

Wednesday’s Prayer — September 14, 2022

Wednesday’s Prayer — September 14, 2022

Lord, I trust You.

The sunrise is magical this morning and I am up to see it, thanks to you. Let me never forget that each day of life is a blessing. I have a heart full of thanks and praise to you.

Help me to have a spirit of rest and peace, even though I need to get a lot of things done today. Let my tasks be done easily and to great benefit. Help me to submit to you.

Monday’s Prayer — September 12, 2022

Monday’s Prayer — September 12, 2022

Lord, I trust You.

Thank you for this day and all the goodness you have blessed me to see already. Your grace is sufficient for me. Your mercies are my elixir. Grant that I may always be near you.

Help me to discern what you want me to do today. Give me the strength and obedience to follow you. Let my faith in action bear good fruit. Allow me to make things better today.

Friday’s Prayer — September 9, 2022

Friday’s Prayer — September 9, 2022

Lord, in your mercy, hear my prayer.

This day is going to be good, I can tell. Thank you for all of the awesomeness you have packed into today, Father. I can’t wait to encounter your blessings and make the most of them.

Help me to carpe diem and have a great day with you. Bless my work to be easy and spirit-filled. Guide me in all that I do so that I can stay connected to your will and your way.

Thursday’s Prayer — September 8, 2022

Thursday’s Prayer — September 8, 2022

Lord, in your mercy, hear my prayer.

Good morning, Heavenly Father. I’m happy to wake up to you and this day. Walk with me as I live and breath. Thank you in advance for all of the mercy and grace you will give.

Help me make the most of the day. Protect me from all hurt, harm, or danger. Let my work bear good fruit. Help me to have joy, even as I do mundane things. Restore my soul.

Wednesday’s Prayer — September 7, 2022

Wednesday’s Prayer — September 7, 2022

Lord, in your mercy, hear my prayer.

It is a peaceful day that you have woken me up to see. Thank you for the gentle wake up call, Father. I can’t wait to spend the day with you and uncover all that you have for me.

Bless me to have a centered and restorative day. Guide me in all that I think, say, and do. Bless me to have a joyous time and to be able to bless others as I have been blessed by you.

Tuesday’s Prayer — September 2, 2022

Tuesday’s Prayer — September 2, 2022

Lord, in your mercy, hear my prayer.

Thanks for letting me sleep in this morning, Lord. I must have needed it. You are the best provider ever. I count on you to provide my daily bread and dispense the grace I need.

Bless me to have a pleasant and easy day. Let me slide into work smoothly. Help me to marshal my energies to the tasks at hand and meet with success in all I do. Grant me peace.

Monday’s Prayer — September 5, 2022

Monday’s Prayer — September 5, 2022

Lord, in your mercy, hear my prayer.

Thank you for waking me up this morning to see this rainy day. You remind me you take care of me and the whole earth. You are faithful and steadfast. I’m so glad you watch over me.

Allow me to enjoy my day off in every way. Let me be refreshed and reinvigorated. Bless me with fullness of joy and great big belly laughs. Align my will with yours always.

Friday’s Prayer — September 2 , 2022

Friday’s Prayer — September 2 , 2022

Lord, in your mercy, hear my prayer.

This is your day, God, and I’m so glad to be a part of it. You have plans to prosper me and I give you praise. Your mercies are waiting to fall on me and make things even better.

Help me to feel good and be at ease today in all I do. Bless me to love what I do and be content in the life you have blessed me with. Allow me to rest in your love and grace.

Tuesday’s Prayer — August 30, 2022

Tuesday’s Prayer — August 30, 2022

Lord, in your mercy, hear my prayer.

I’m happy to wake up this morning and give you all the glory and praise. This is another day I get to spend with you. You are the friend that sticks closer than a brother, Jesus.

Give me energy and purpose today in all I do. Let my efforts bear good fruit and meet with great success. Guide me in my ways so that I stay on the path you have made for me.

Monday’s Prayer — August 29, 2022

Monday’s Prayer — August 29, 2022

Lord, in your mercy, hear my prayer.

Thank you for this wonderful morning and for waking me up to see another day. You always take good care of me, even in the midst of the storm. You are a faithful and steadfast God.

Cover me with your grace today. Give me energy and direction so that my work and efforts may bear good fruit in this world. Let me be happy, calm, and free of all anxiety.

Friday’s Prayer — August 26, 2022

Friday’s Prayer — August 26, 2022

Lord, in your mercy, hear my prayer.

I woke up this morning and am so glad for another day of life. Thank you for watching over me last night and delivering me into this new day. As long as we are together, all will be well.

Help me feel good and be happy and joyous today. Heal and restore my body, mind, and spirit to perfect health and vigor. Let me be a blessing to others as you are a blessing to me.

Thursday’s Prayer — August 25, 2022

Thursday’s Prayer — August 25, 2022

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

I am happy to wake up to you and so glad I have eternal life in you. Thank you for saving me. You have delivered me out of every trouble and brought me here. Thank you for being God.

I pray that I would feel good and be proactive today. Let me follow your guidance and walk the path you have prepared for me. Bless my work to produce good fruit that helps others.

Wednesday’s Prayer — August 24, 2022

Wednesday’s Prayer — August 24, 2022

Lord, in your mercy hear my prayer.

I’m sleepy, but still grateful you woke me up for another day of life and love. You are a generous provider God who never fails. Thank you for having a heart set on blessing me.

Bless me to redeem the time you have given me, Lord, and make great use of today. Help me prioritize your will and be obedient to your instruction. Let my work bear good fruit.

Tuesday’s Prayer — August 23, 2022

Tuesday’s Prayer — August 23, 2022

Lord, in your mercy hear my prayer.

It’s amazing how you wake me up ready to face the day and happy to have another chance to do my best for you. Thank you for doing all that you do just for me. I pray I please you.

Help me to receive your power to inspire and drive me. Meet me where I am and guide me upward and onward as only you can. Let everything that I do today faithfully reflect you.

Monday’s Prayer — August 22, 2022

Monday’s Prayer — August 22, 2022

Lord, in your mercy hear my prayer.

This day is yours, but you share it with me so generously and I am grateful. You always give me life and life more abundantly. I hope I can make you happy like you make me.

Help me to be a creative force, able to write and think with the gifts you have given me. Open my mind to receive the understanding and guidance you have for me in every way.