Are you there God it’s me...
Thank you for letting me sleep late this morning. I am glad you gave me another day to experience this abundant life you have blessed me with Lord. I can’t wait to discover all that today holds for me.
Bless me with a day of rest and joy today. Grant that I may refresh my body, mind and soul in you Lord. Let me be filled with delight and spread an encouraging and fun spirit to others in all that I do.
Bless the students dear Lord. Grant them the capacity to retain and recall knowledge. Let them acquire wisdom along the the information they are taught. Teach them how to rightly apply what they have learned.
Every day you grant me new mercies and chances to experience your love and grace. Let me stay in your presence all my days. Help me to always be thankful and to depend on you. It is in Jesus’ name and for his sake I pray.