Are you there God it’s me...
It is such a joy to wake up and see the day dawning. The sunshine gives me a feeling of excitement and I can’t wait to see what the day will bring. Thank you for this glorious day that you have blessed to to see.
Help me to be restored today. Grant that I may do all that you wish for me to with a positive attitude and a pleasant spirit Lord. Let this day be filled with your joy and peace. Shine on me in your goodness.
Bless those that are under quarantine or lockdown because of the corona virus Lord. Bless them with peace of mind. Grant them outlets so that they do not feel so restricted or hemmed in.
Your peace surpasses understanding and I pray it my settle over me in all I do. Grant that I may be a blessing to others, as you have been a blessing to me. It is in Jesus’ name and for his say I pray.