Are you there God it’s me...
Thank you for letting me sleep in. You have given me restoration, not just in my sleep but in my life. Your loving care for me is awesome. I pray I never stop being astounded by it. Simply being in your presence is the biggest blessing.
Thank you for friends, new and old. You have always raised up friends for me so that I don’t have to be lonely. I am so glad I get to see you in the other people I meet. Let me let your light and your presence shine through me when I interact with others. Teach me to be a good and faithful friend.
Bless those that are uncertain about where to take the next step in their lives. Grant them direction and protection. Guide them to the path you have set aside just for them. Help them to clearly hear your voice and give them the courage to follow you. Show me how I can give encouragement and companionship along the way.
Your mercies are new every morning and I can’t wait to keep discovering them. I am so glad we get to spend the day together. I know you have answered my prayers and I look forward to seeing those answers unfold in my life. Thank you for never leaving me or foresaking me. It is in Jesus’ name and for his sake I pray.