Friday’s Prayer — March 5, 2021

Are you there God it’s me...

Waking up with a smile on my lips is a wonderful gift from you. Watching the sky lighten and hearing the birds chirp reminds me you are waking up an entire world, not just me. Thank you for seeing me safely through the night and into a day full of possibilities. 

My life has been filled with you grace and mercy. Thank you for being with me through even my darkest roughest times. Remind me Lord to never be afraid when I face challenges and trials, because you will never leave me. You are even able to bless me in the middle of the storm.

Let me not hesitate to do what it right and good, no matter the apparent consequences. You are bigger whatever I may fear. Obedience to you is more excellent than staying “safe” by the my standards. Teach me how to be more preoccupied with doing your will than with the reaction of the world.

Bless those who are sick dear Lord. Heal their bodies, minds, and spirits. Bring them comfort and let them know they are not alone. Wrap them in your arms and let them feel your love. Bless all those involved in their care.

Thank you for showing yourself faithful to me, especially when I don’t deserve it. Let me continue to abide under the shadow of your wing. Help me to recognize and grasp your answers to my prayers. It is in Jesus’ name and for his sake I pray.

