Thursday’s Prayer — March 4, 2021

Are you there God it’s me...

Good morning and thank you for letting me see the sky turn fron dark to light. It reminds me of how you have always come through for me. Joy comes in the morning.

Thank you for giving me the Holy Spirit, perfect for teaching, protection, inspiration, and comforting. Let me be a faithful reflection of all your gifts. Help me to rely on you for guidance and strength in all I do.

Help me to be more generous to others with my time and focus. Let me be a source of strength and compassion in my daily interactions. Remind us that you are the one true source of life and peace.

Thank you for showing us the true and perfect model on community. Let us dwell together in peace and love, especially the lost, least, and left behind. Let me be your faithful emissary in that endeavor.

Thank you for hearing my prayers and answering them. You are always listening and working for my good. It is in Jesus’ name and for his sake I pray.

