Are you there God it’s me...
Thank you for a brand new day. It’s amazing how you make every day different. This is one I’ve never seen before and will never see again. Let it go well with me.
Bless me that I may enjoy the weekend. Fill it with joy and rest. Grant that I may be able to pursue my interests and also have fun. Help me to follow the path you have laid out for me.
Sometimes I forget that you have special plans for me. Lord you have made a way in this world just for me, and I am grateful. Let me never forget that I am cared for as one of your beloved children. Bless me that I may fulfill my destiny according to your will.
Bless the poor dear Lord. Why did you say the poor would always be with us? Was it so that we would always need to be generous and considerate of those with less? Show me all that I can do to help those less fortunate and let me not hesitate to do so. Raise up an impassioned global movement to eradicate poverty.
Thank you for making me in your image dear Father. It means that every day I am filled with love and think of others more than myself. Bless me that I may continue to be transformed into a new creature with a Christ-like mind. This is my prayer that I know you hear and hold dear. I don’t just believe you will answer, I know it. It’s is in Jesus’ name and for his sake that I pray.