Saturday’s Prayer — March 13, 2021

Are you there God it’s me...

Thank you for another day. Waking up to you is a precious gift. Every day we get to spend together proves you faithful and true. Make me more and more like you.

Help me to overcome my fears. Fill me with your perfect love so that my fears are cast out. Show me the way you would have me to go. Give me the courage to step out of the shadows and embrace what you have for me with my whole self.

Grant us peace dear Lord. Calm the flames of division among us and let us act as one. Show me the world as it truly is and make me an instrument of your peace. You have given us the ministry of reconciliation, so let us use that gift to live together as one in you.

Give me confidence in the present and hope in the future. Help me to pursue you with all that I am. Transform me by the renewing of my mind. Strengthen my resolve so that I will not be deterred by setbacks.

Help me to see the world through you eyes, full of love. Grant that each day I may make things better. Thank you for answering my prayers. It is in Jesus’ name and for his sake I pray. 

