Friday’s Prayer — February 19, 2021

Are you there God it’s me...

Sometimes I don’t feel like praising you, but then I realize that even that is a blessing, since it means I have woken to another day in your grace. Thank you for never leaving me, even when I have not been the most enthusiastic follower. Remove my fatigue so that I always have the energy and desire to give you my best.

Thank you for blessing me with the gifts, fruits and talents that you have given me. Show me how to best use them to meet the task at hand and to give you honor and glory. Give me sufficient opportunities to use what you have given me.

 Bless me with meaningful chances to help others, not just my friends, but anyone who you place in my path. Help me to be approachable and the reflect the kind of radical welcome and hospitality that you embody.

Allow me to grow each day and to lift your name higher in all that I do. Whenever I forget, remind me why you have placed me on your earth. Reacquaint me with my purpose and passion.

Bless those displaced by the winter storm. Grant them power, heat, and comfort. Give me ways to be a real and tangible help to those in need.

Let those who put their hope in you never be ashamed. Answer my prayers as only you can. It is in Jesus’ name and for his sake I pray.

