Thursday’s Prayer - January 28, 2021

Are you there God it’s me...

Thank you for letting me talk to you like a friend; I don’t need special words or rituals to approach you. Thank you for truly being my best friend, not just an all-powerful God in a distant heaven. My communion with you is the sweetest thing in life. It’s amazing to read in your word that you love me even more than I love you. Thank you for your unconditional love.

I ask for your blessing that today may be purposeful and productive. It is time to get to work. Help guide me so that my labors are not in vain. Allow me to acknowledge you in all that I do.

Give me the gift of laughter today. I want to be able to work hard while also having a little fun. If it is in your will, Lord, let me have some huge belly laughs today.

Bless those who are struggling financially Lord. This pandemic has been so hard on so many; making a living can be hard even in the best of times. Ease their difficulties and give them hope and assistance. Guide me to opportunities where my time, talent, and treasure can have maximum impact in helping others.

Help me do a better job of staying in touch with my loved ones, and maintaining a beloved community. Being in a loving relationship with you dear Lord is incomplete unless I share that relationship and care with others.

I thank you for the day’s many blessings, answered prayers before they even formed on my lips. It is in Jesus’ name and for his sake I pray.

