Social Justice

Watch the Throne


I know politics, and therefor life, is a tumultuous sea

But Watch the Throne

I know fear and darkness threaten to overtake you

But Watch the Throne

Do you believe God doeth all things well?

Do you believe the arc of the universe is long but it bends towards justice? 

Do you depend on the world for your peace, or do you believe in God there is a peace that surpasses all understanding? 

Christ said in this world we will have many troubles, but not to worry because He has overcome the world? 

"Love your enemies, pray for those who disputefully use you."

Do you believe it? 

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." 

Do you believe it? 

Your mission is the same; "love God with all your mind, your heart and your understanding. And to love your neighbor as yourself." 

Stay focused on working tirelessly to building the Kingdom of God

I know worldly fears, uncertainty and anger fixate us on the White House

But Watch the Throne

Ryan Lochte, Jesus, Judgement, and Justice

Ryan Lochte, Jesus, Judgement, and Justice

When members of the Olympic Committee call 32 year-old swimmer, Ryan Lochte "just a boy" after lying about his drunken disorderly destruction one night in Brazil by saying he and others were robbed at gunpoint by a group dressed as police officers, I was filled with anger and a sense of hopelessness. Travon Martin, Tamir Rice, and countless others were "just boys," Lochte is a fully grown man with an obvious sense of entitlement.

WWJD About #BlackLivesMatter?

WWJD About #BlackLivesMatter?

For days I’ve been taking turns between ignoring the issue completely, pretending it doesn’t exist, and floating in a paralyzing sense of confusion and hopelessness. And after this period of wrestling with this on my own, I came to my senses and realized the only healthy thing to do was bring it to the Lord and let God tell me what to do.

Sunday's On The Way: Words of Comfort on Trayvon Martin

What matters is not what we do today. Not how large or loud our protest is. It matters what we do the next day and the day after that and the day after that. Are we willing to put in the work to bring about justice in our communities, our nation and our world? The outcome of a court case wasn't going to transform our world overnight. It is going to take blood sweat and tears. Well Trayvon Martin's blood has been shed. His parents and all who stand in solidarity with them because they know what it's like to lose someone to senseless violence or to be treated as less than for no real reason, we've shed a river of tears. Now the question is, are we going to work hard enough to sweat for the kind of community where we can all feel safe, valued and equal? Those shed blood and tears are only good if they result in something positive: a beloved community.

Many of you may feel hopeless, many of you may be in pain, all of us feel ignored. And while it will take time and our ceaseless efforts to create a society that alleviates that, I came here to tell you that my God is ready to alleviate it right now. Because before Trayvon Martin there was a man called Jesus. They took him in the middle of the night, held a trial on trumped up charges and found him guilty, beat him, hung him on a cross to ridicule him. And then he died and the world forgot about him. He lay in a grave for three days while the world went about his business. But on the third day he rose with all power in his hand.

I know you feel like society has judged you wrongly, beaten you down and then forgotten about you, but I came to tell you there will be a resurrection day, for you, for me, for Trayvon Martin. And you will rise up with power in your hand. What did Jesus do with the power his Father gave Him? He didn't go getting revenge on all the people that did him wrong. He did something even more powerful: he loved them. Perfect love casts out fear and I am tired of being afraid. Perfect love banishes evil and I am tired of the evils in our society. Perfect love puts us in solidarity with God, our brothers and sisters, our neighbors and enemies, and I am tired of feeling alone and angry at others.

There will be times when we are beaten down, treated unfairly, ignored. But when everyone else has counted you out, God has not forgotten and will give you that chance to transform yourself and your situation. And even in the midst of our tears and pain, we can take some small comfort in that and prepare ourselves for the mountain of work before us.

Let us love, comfort and support each other now in this trying time. And let us always keep fighting.

God help us.