Pastoral Thoughts on Israel-Palestine 2023 War

Pastoral Thoughts on Israel-Palestine 2023 War

My aim is not to provide a history lesson, though I think that as people who strive to be fully present in the world, we must educate ourselves deeply on this issue. As a Christian pastor, I want to meditate on what Jesus is saying in this moment and pray that this meditation somehow leaves us better off. Let me assure you I do not have the answer, but I do have some suggestions of what we can do instead of falling down a well of helplessness or anger.

Friday's Prayer

Friday's Prayer

I have been praying for you that the fruits of the Spirit pour forth in your life. May the Lord continually bless you with your daily bread. May you receive comfort and consolation from experiencing God’s grace as sufficient. Christ is the open door the no one can close to the temple not made by human hands. Be loose of your chains and healed and whole.


Watch the Throne


I know politics, and therefor life, is a tumultuous sea

But Watch the Throne

I know fear and darkness threaten to overtake you

But Watch the Throne

Do you believe God doeth all things well?

Do you believe the arc of the universe is long but it bends towards justice? 

Do you depend on the world for your peace, or do you believe in God there is a peace that surpasses all understanding? 

Christ said in this world we will have many troubles, but not to worry because He has overcome the world? 

"Love your enemies, pray for those who disputefully use you."

Do you believe it? 

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." 

Do you believe it? 

Your mission is the same; "love God with all your mind, your heart and your understanding. And to love your neighbor as yourself." 

Stay focused on working tirelessly to building the Kingdom of God

I know worldly fears, uncertainty and anger fixate us on the White House

But Watch the Throne

Ryan Lochte, Jesus, Judgement, and Justice

Ryan Lochte, Jesus, Judgement, and Justice

When members of the Olympic Committee call 32 year-old swimmer, Ryan Lochte "just a boy" after lying about his drunken disorderly destruction one night in Brazil by saying he and others were robbed at gunpoint by a group dressed as police officers, I was filled with anger and a sense of hopelessness. Travon Martin, Tamir Rice, and countless others were "just boys," Lochte is a fully grown man with an obvious sense of entitlement.

The Anti-Fragile Stoic

The Anti-Fragile Stoic

Nasim Taleb’s most recent book, “Anti-Fragile” might not have been a title that made it on to your A-List of books to read this summer for any number of reasons. Not the least of which is that the word “anti-fragile” doesn’t actually exist in the current english lexicon. Cryptic titles aside, the concepts to be found herein can be nothing less than life-changing.

WWJD About #BlackLivesMatter?

WWJD About #BlackLivesMatter?

For days I’ve been taking turns between ignoring the issue completely, pretending it doesn’t exist, and floating in a paralyzing sense of confusion and hopelessness. And after this period of wrestling with this on my own, I came to my senses and realized the only healthy thing to do was bring it to the Lord and let God tell me what to do.

I will not say all pain has a purpose...


I will not say that all pain has a purpose. I'm not sure it does. But I will say that when someone you love is in pain (and we must love everyone), stand in solidarity with them, and, for the love of Christ, work to eliminate the source of pain, if not for the one who is suffering now than for those that will come after them. All pain may not have a purpose for all those experiencing it, but it must spark a purpose to all those witnessing it; love in action. 

What do you think? How are you responding to the pain you see around you?

Traveling Mercies (a road prayer)

Lord, keep me awake, alert and accident-free as I travel up and down the highways and bywaysI want to please You and be like Your son But it is so easy to get mad at these other drivers And all the insane things I encounter on the road threaten to steal my peace Help me stay centered, focused and happy Let me enjoy my trip and the quiet communion with You Help me to be a good citizen of the road I pray I make my destination safely and on-time Keep me out of the maddening traffic! Thank You for blessing me with the wheels to travel, the means to fill my tank, and people I want to see who want to see me worth visiting I know it is all because of You Thank You in advance for Your traveling mercies
