Monday’s Prayer — June 12, 2023

Monday’s Prayer — June 12, 2023

Holy Spirit, breathe in me.

Thank You for waking me up and making me whole in You. I rejoice to feel You inside me—healing wounds, building me up, and drawing me closer to You. You are the best wake up call.

Bless me to be harmonious and victorious in all I do today, LORD. Give me peace and resilience to deal with all that comes. Help me to be like You in my thoughts, words, and deeds.

Monday’s Prayer — May 22, 2023

Monday’s Prayer — May 22, 2023

He Is Risen! He Is Risen Indeed!

Getting to open my eyes and give You praise and glory is the biggest gift, LORD. Thank You for the start to a new day and week. I have faith that I can do all things through Christ today.

Help me to stay energized and focused today. Help me to use the time wisely and make progress on all I set my hand to do. Grant me wisdom and insight to pour into the tasks You give me.

Wednesday’s Prayer — May 17, 2023

Wednesday’s Prayer — May 17, 2023

He Is Risen! He Is Risen Indeed!

I’m moving a little slow this morning, but it sure beats the alternative of not moving at all! Thank You for the life, health, sense, and strength You have filled me with today, LORD.

Help me to have a day of balance and joy. Keep me focused on You in all I do and grant me to peace of Your presence. Bless me to be a blessing to others and to love them as I love myself.

Thursday’s Prayer May 11, 2023

Thursday’s Prayer May 11, 2023

He Is Risen! He Is Risen Indeed!

I am so grateful for this new year of life that I could burst. You have given me everything in its season and I get to see some of the plans You have for me. You have kept every promise.

Help me to seize the day and make the most of both my work life and personal pursuits. Let me find the joy in today and spread it to others in all that I do. Make me an instrument of Your peace.

Wednesday’s Prayer — May 10, 2023

Wednesday’s Prayer — May 10, 2023

He Is Risen! He Is Risen Indeed!

I am so excited You woke me up this morning to see another birthday, LORD! Thank You for always being there for me with just what I need. I greet You with praise and thanksgiving.

Bless me to have an absolutely fabulous day. Give me favor in everything I put my hand to and allow me to be a blessing to others as You are a blessing to me. Make me an instrument of Your peace and joy.

Tuesday’s Prayer — May 9, 2023

Tuesday’s Prayer — May 9, 2023

He Is Risen! He Is Risen Indeed!

Thank You for this morning, which crept up on me faster than I wanted. Life always beats the alternative, though. I am confident You will give me all I need, this and every day.

Help me to chew all that I bit off yesterday. Let this day be productive and efficient with great surprises. Bless me to work diligently and bear much fruit in Your name in every way.

Monday’s Prayer — May 8, 2023

Monday’s Prayer — May 8, 2023

He Is Risen! He Is Risen Indeed!

Thank You for this lovely morning, LORD. I am loving the sun coming up so early and the days lasting longer. I am grateful to see another day and am excited for all the possibilities it holds.

Grant me steady energy and productivity today. Let me focus my efforts and intentions to achieve wonderful results. Help me to rest in You, especially when I am working hard.

Tuesday’s Prayer — May 2, 2023

Tuesday’s Prayer — May 2, 2023

He Is Risen! He Is Risen Indeed!

I am so happy glad to wake up this morning! You always have exactly what I need, Lord God. Thank You for continuing to give me rest and energy in their turns to regulate my days and nights (please stop me from having crazy, weird dreams).

Grant me the energy that I need to have a successful day. Help me deal with things I have been avoiding or ignoring. Teach me wisdom and courage so I can make good choices.

Wednesday’s Prayer — April 19, 2023

Wednesday’s Prayer — April 19, 2023

He Is Risen! He Is Risen Indeed!

Thank you for waking me up this morning. Even though I am sleepy I am excited about the day and all that You will do for me and through me. This day is an incredible blessing from You.

Let me focus on You today and doing my best. Help me to reflect Your light and be a blessing to others throughout my day. Teach me all You want me to learn so that I may grow in grace.

Monday’s Prayer — April 17, 2023

Monday’s Prayer — April 17, 2023

He Is Risen! He Is Risen Indeed!

Thank You for this shiny new morning, full of hope and possibilities. I can’t wait to unwrap the day You have given me and discover all that it holds. You always give the best gifts.

Help me to start the work week with brightness and energy that is sustained and rewarded. Grant that I may accomplish my goals and move forward. Show me how to redeem the time.

Friday’s Prayer — April 14, 2023

Friday’s Prayer — April 14, 2023

He Is Risen! He Is Risen Indeed!

Sometimes it is hard to wake up but I am always grateful for the gift of being alive to see another day. Thank You for watching over me and giving me the bird songs to cheer me.

Give me the energy and focus I need to tackle the day. Set my agenda for me, LORD and give me a spirit of obedience. Help me rise to the occasion for all You put before me.

Thursday’s Prayer — April 13, 2023

Thursday’s Prayer — April 13, 2023

He Is Risen! He Is Risen Indeed!

Thank You for ALWAYS being the solution to my every problem. You woke me up to solutions, hope, and new life in You. I am blessed by what an awesome and complete provider You are.

Bless the rest of my day to correct previous mistakes. Help me to shine with the excellence you have blessed me with in all I do. Heal everything that I touch so that Your will may be done.

Wednesday’s Prayer — April 12, 2023

Wednesday’s Prayer — April 12, 2023

He Is Risen! He Is Risen Indeed!

Thank You so much for waking me up with energy and intention this morning. I am grateful You care for me and always give me what I need. Your mercies are new every morning.

Bless me to feel good and work hard today. Grant me the focus and motivation to do a great job and tackle the things I’ve been avoiding. Cast out my fear and hesitation with Your love.

Friday’s Prayer — April 7, 2023

Friday’s Prayer — April 7, 2023

Give Me This Living Water

It’s Good Friday, LORD, and all eyes are on Your Son on the cross. You are dying for our sins so that we can be reunited with the Living God. Thank You for making a way out of no way.

Bless this day to be centered in and focused on You, Lord Jesus. Help me be united with You in all that I think, say, and do. Let me receive the blessings of Your sacrifice and honor You.