Wednesday’s Prayer — February 22, 2023

In Christ it is always “YES!”

Sometimes the inhumanity of people disappoints me. At times like these, help me to encourage myself in You, LORD, and press on with doing Your will, may it be on earth as it is in Heaven.

Grant that I may enter into the fullness of Your joy today and leave my blues and distractions behind. Change my mindset to be focused on and centered on You in all I think, say, and do.

Bless those who judge others as less than and fail to love their neighbors as themselves. Give them new hearts and the mind that is in Christ Jesus so that they can see You in all of Your children.

What times I am downhearted, I cast my cares on You and leave my worries on Your altar. Thank You for always being the answer. It is in Jesus’ name and for his sake I pray.
