Monday’s Prayer — January 30, 2023

In Christ it is always “YES!”

You say that, but Tyre Nichols still got beaten to death. Where is the justice, LORD? Our hearts are heavy and troubled. It is a sin-sick world and the only thing that can save us is You.

I pray you will not let us slip into apathy or become disengaged from the work of building Your kingdom, on earth as it is in heaven. Let us be inspired to overcome injustice and evil.

Bless those who are overcome with fear, sorrow, and anger, Father Mother God.  Let Your perfect love turn those emotions into healthy and powerful actions to make the world a better place.

Change me, oh LORD, into what You want me to be. Show me what to do to overcome the evils in the world and in my own heart. It is in Jesus’ name and for his sake I pray.
