Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer.
I need your grace and mercy in my life and you always give me what I need. It might not be what I was expecting, but your way is always best. Help me to see the wisdom of your hand in my life.
Make me what you want me to be, Lord. Transform my mind, renew my heart, restore my spirit, and rebuild my body so that I may live out all the potential you have placed within me.
Help me to change the world for the better. Give me a love for my fellow human beings. Teach me how to love my neighbor as myself. Use me as your instrument, for your Church is the body of Christ until you return.
Bless this world with peace, Father. Cause wars to cease, resolve conflicts, and remove division so that we might be the beloved community you have ordained. You can do anything but fail. It is in Jesus’ name and for his sake I pray.