Friday’s Prayer — April 22, 2022

The joy of the Lord is my strength!

I am so happy to wake up this morning to all you are providing me this day. Continue to watch over me and care for and guide me in all that I think, say, and do. This is your day.

Allow me to rejoice and be glad in the day you have made. Help me to feel good and work effectively. Bless the works of my hands and grant that I may prosper with all you have given.

Bless those in life that have given up on their dreams, Lord. I pray you would restore their goals and desires and make them manifest according to your good and perfect love and mercy.

You are the God that is in the blessing business and is mighty to save. Keep me all of my days. Allow me to be a blessing to others. It is in Jesus’ name and for his sake I pray.
