Thursday’s Prayer — December 8, 2022

Come, Lord Jesus.

This is the day that you have made, Father, and I am overjoyed to be with you as you guide me through it to the good of all. Thank you for giving me another day of life, health, and strength.

Help me to be fully present this day, Father. Give me wisdom and initiative so that I may be blessed with good results in my work. Grant that I may only do your will and align mine with yours.

Bless those grieving a loss right now, God. Comfort mourners and give them the support they need to sustain themselves. Bring them joy, consolation, and even friends as only you can.

I lift up your name, oh Lord, to give you all the glory and the praise. I can’t wait to see you at work in my life and the world today. It is in Jesus’ name and for his sake I pray.
