Are you there God it’s me...
Thank you so much for waking me up this morning. Some days just feel like they are especially filled with hope. It is by your mercies that I rise and have breath in my lungs. I take it not for granted that you are the one true giver of life.
This is the day your Son rose from the dead, giving us all the victory over Hell, death, and the grave. Let me celebrate you today and praise my heart out with all that I am. Teach me how to worship you in spirit and in truth. Let me enter your sanctuary, even virtually.
Bless those who are lonely, Lord. It is so hard to make it through life when you feel alone. Raise up good friends and healthy relationships for them. Let them know that you are their constant and faithful companion. Give me opportunities to be a friend to the friendless.
Let this day of worship be yours, oh Lord. Every day is yours, but I pray my devotion will be yours as well. Thank you for always being there for me. Teach me how to consistently give you all that I am. It is in Jesus’ name and for his sake I pray.