Wednesday’s Prayer — August 4, 2021

Are you there God It’s me...

Thank you for letting me sleep in this morning. I awake rested and ready to have a wonderful time with my day. I am so grateful for the blessings you have given. Your mercies are new every morning.

Let me have a great experience visiting friends and spending time outside today. Help me to make the most of my days and be intentional about how to plan my time and pursue my goals.

Bless the pets of the world dear Lord. They do so much to help the happiness and peace of mind of their caretakers. Let them be sources of joy and contentment to all who have them.

I am thankful for your many blessings to me. Inspire me to help others with the bounty that you have given. I want to reflect you in all that I do. It is in Jesus’ name and for his sake I pray.
