Monday’s Prayer — August 2, 2021

Are you there God it’s me...

It is the start of a new week and I am grateful to see it. Thank you for waking me up and starting me on my way Lord. I give you glory for all the incredible ways you sustain the world. All your ways are holy.

Teach me how to be truly productive Lord. Let me work well whatever my circumstance. Help me to stay focused on my goals and engaged in activities that bring them closer day by day.

Bless the homeless dear Father. Grant them shelter. Give them the resources they need to prosper and be well. Let them receive the dignity they deserve. Show me how I can help and be a part of the solution.

I don’t deserve your grace and mercy, yet where would I be without it? I am so grateful for all the guidance you provide in life. It is in Jesus’ name and for his sake I pray.
