Are you there God it’s me...
Another day is mine, thanks to you. I am so grateful for your faithfulness. I lift up all my praise to you. Help me to keep you at the center of all I do today. I sanctify all my work and effort to you.
Help me to accomplish that which I set out to do this day and every day. Let me imitate you in my effectiveness and steadfastness. Teach me your ways Lord and let me walk with you into my purpose.
Bless the war-torn areas of the world dear Father. Let your peace settle across the land to rest, rule, and abide. Raise up peacemakers to bring harmony and an end to conflict and tensions.
Help me to rejoice in the wonderful day you have made. Grant that I may delight in you in all that I think and do. Show me how to let my light shine. It is in Jesus’ name and for his sake I pray.