Are you there God it’s me...
I woke up ready to face the day today and I thank you. With each day as a precious gift from you I can not help but to be full of gratitude. Your gifts are constantly flowing out from you and I happily receive them.
Teach me the length of my days and how to make the most of my time dear Lord. Allow me to be productive without becoming worn out. Bless me with the feeling of satisfaction that comes from a job well done.
Bless those learning new skills and behaviors Lord. Grant that we may all be lifelong learners. Though it may be something new, let us take to it naturally and study to show ourselves approved.
Your mercies endure forever and I am so grateful for all you bless me with. Let me dwell in your house forever Lord. Shower me with blessings and allow me to be a blessing to others. It is in Jesus’ name and for his sake I pray.