Friday’s Prayer — June 4, 2021

Are you there God it’s me...

Thank you for gently waking me up this morning. I can’t get over all the different ways you have of saying good morning to me. Because you never leave me, I know I can face whatever the day holds.

Lord help me to write a good sermon and lead a good worship service today. Teach me how to give you the glory in all that I do, especially praise and worship. Help me to receive the blessings you have for me.

Bless the elders in the world dear Father. They are so often forgotten in our societies. Let us honor them with respect, dignity, and love. Give me opportunities to engage with and honor my elders.

I wasn’t sure about this day when I woke up, but then I remembered it was your special gift to me and I was encouraged. Let me always be excited about your gifts. It is in Jesus’ name and for his sake I pray.
