Are you there God it’s me...
I woke up later then I wanted this morning, but just in time. Thank you for that. Help me correctly set my alarms so that I always have time for you before my day begins. Starting with you first is always better.
Help me to enjoy my work today. Let me find a healthy challenge in my work. Let it bring a smile to my lips. Bless the work of my hands and help me to dedicate all of my efforts to you.
Bless the war-torn areas of the world Lord. Settle your perfect peace in these areas. Frustrate the weapons of war and raise up peacemakers in the land. Let there be harmony and respect. Show me how I can be part of the solution.
I love how you are always with me, even when I am doing other things. Help me to be a blessing to others today. I consecrate my day to you. It is in Jesus’ name and for his sake I pray.