Are you there God it’s me...
Another early morning of just you and I as you wake up creation. Being in your presence strengthens and calms me. You are showing me unconditional love and it is the greatest gift. Keep me in the palm of your hand.
Bless me with a day of rest and restoration. Revive my body, mind, and spirit. Help me to not work or be overstimulated when I should be resting. Thank you for the power of regeneration.
Lord bless the war-torn places in our world. Protect fragile cease-fires that are in place. Breathe your Spirit of peace on the lands and let it take root and flourish. Show me how to be a better peacemaker.
The sky lightens and I think about how awesome and faithful you are. Thank you for our time together. Help me to carry you with me as I go about my day. It is in Jesus’ name and for his sake I pray.