Are you there God it’s me...
Sleeping in is the greatest thing ever. Thank you for that luxury. But more importantly thank you for waking me up at all. Each new day is a precious gift. Help me to never take it for granted that you breath life into me and keep me going.
I miss my Aunt Ruby. I think about all the things I would say if she were still here. Give comfort to me in my times of missing her. Help me release myself from regret of things said and unsaid, done and undone when she was here. Help me love and express myself fully to others in the moment, for tomorrow is not promised.
Bless those who are grieving a loss. You are the great comforter Holy Spirit, so I ask for you to be with them and cover their mourning with your peace and presence. Connect them with the spirit of their loved one that forever lives in their heart. Surround them with loving, supporting, and understanding people as they go through the difficult time of adjusting to daily life without their loved one. Restore their souls.
You have never left me or forsaken me. I know the words of my prayers always reach you Lord. Thank you for proving yourself faithful. It is in Jesus’ name and for his sake I pray.