Are you there God it’s me...
It only takes one night of restless sleep to know what a gift sweet slumber is. Thank you for giving me uninterrupted sleep most nights, as well as a true appreciation for them that a sleepless night has brought. Let me never take your blessings for granted, even the small ones.
Thank you for letting me have such a productive day yesterday. Let today be one of work and play. Teach me how to do things in faithful moderation so that I never have to go to extremes of catch up. Grant me the focus and intention to plan and live out my days effectively.
Grant peace to those who feel like they are running on empty just trying to hold things together. Bless them with a period of rest and revival of spirits in their lives. Let them be restored and whole. Change their perspectives on and responses to situations they face to be ones of faith and determination, not hopelessness or despair. Deliver them from their troubles according to your will.
Think you for your mercies that a new every morning. Let me look for them to unfold in my life expectantly. I am truly happy when I rest in you. Let me abide in you forever. It is in Jesus’ name and for his sake I pray.