Sunday’s Prayer — April 11, 2021

Are you there God it’s me...

Waking up so early feels like you are letting me in on a secret. You hold the mysteries of the universe, and me. Thank you for making me feel so cherished and involved. This day will unfold just as you have planned it for me.

It is finally Sunday again. The day we have set aside to celebrate and worship your precious Son. Help me release myself fully into praise and worship on this day. Help me unite with fellow believers as one body in Christ, even though we are physically apart.

Bless those that are suffering the pain of rejection oh God. Sooth and heal their wounds. Show them that they are approved of and loved by you dear Father. Help them to hold their heads up high and not feel less than because of what anyone or anything thinks or has said.

Your mercies are new every morning. Give us Lord our daily bread. Thank you for feeding us from your infinite supply. Let us be confident you will always have enough for us, for everyone. It is in Jesus’ name and for his sake I pray. 

