Monday’s Prayer — March 15, 2021

Are you there God it’s me...

It’s great to know I will never have to face a day without you. Your companionship makes everything worthwhile. Show me how to be good company for you. Let me grow more like you from our time together.

You hold the seasons in your hand oh Lord. I wait with joy for you to bring Spring to us. The lightening skies remind me that you are a faithful God that never fails. Let me never take your works for granted, but help me to be full of appreciation and wonder.

Help me to make the most of my life, according to your will. May I never stray from the path you have set for me to walk. Fulfill my desire to be useful. Give me energy and guidance dear Lord.

Anoint the sick with your healing oil most loving God. Bless all those involved in the care of the ailing. Take charge of the treatment plans of the ill. In your mercy, raise people from their sick beds. You are the true healer and we appeal to you for miracles of restoration great and small.

Thank you for meeting me in this prayer time. Even though you already know the desires of my heart, it feels good to share them with you. I look forward to seeing the answers to my prayers unfolding in my life. It is in Jesus’ name and for his sake I pray.

