Monday’s Prayer — March 1, 2021

Are you there God it’s me...

I wonder what your grace holds for me today? The rain reminds me that you care for even the earth itself. It is an honor to serve an awesome and merciful God.

Thank you for teaching me how to redeem the time you have given me. Allow me to continue to be productive and structured in my days. Let my work bring glory to your name.

Show me how to enjoy myself and bring delight to others. I am glad you are a God I can laugh with. You are my Lord and friend. Give me fullness of joy in my heart.

Lord I ask that you bless the broken-hearted. Refresh their spirits and comfort them. Show them you can restore what the locust have eaten. Remind me of the dreams I have forgotten and let me pick them back up if it is in your will.

Strengthen my relationships dear Lord. Let them be mutually edifying and for your glory. You do not desire for us to be alone, but in communion with others. Teach me how to be a good friend and partner.

Thank you for your listening ear, mighty hand, and for answering my prayers. Let me discern your work in my life and take hold of your blessings, it is in Jesus’ name and for his sake I pray.

