Saturday’s Prayer — February 6, 2021

Are you there God it’s me...

It’s only Saturday and already I am excited about getting to worship you tomorrow. Maybe it’s because I am able to participate in the service. Anytime I can praise and worship you is a blessing. It is a double portion when I get to express my ministry as well.

I thank you for the mind you have blessed with with. It is a mind that you are transforming into the mind of Christ. Let me not stand in the way of my transformation into all that you would have me to be. I surrender all to you Lord.

Bless me to have a social life dear God. Even though we must be socially distanced, give me the opportunity to make new friends, and keep the old. Help strengthen my ability to reach out to others so that our lives are filled with smiles, laughter, comfort and companionship. You have never left me alone Lord. Grant me the ability to be a steadfast friend to others.

Thank you for my good mood oh God. Bless me so that I may do more than simply enjoy it, but also use it to inspire my work in lifting your name higher so that joy and positivity may be spread to others as well. Then joy will be made complete.

I am grateful you are always there to hear my prayers. It pleases you when I lift my joys and concerns up to you dear Father. It is in Jesus’ name and for his sake I pray.

