Are you there God it’s me...
Thank you for a productive day yesterday. I pray today is also fruitful and full of your guidance. Every day will your presence is a blessing.
Bless the technology I work with. Let it all function as intended and to my benefit. You have given humanity the inventiveness to create marvelous things like computers and the internet. Give me the skill to use them well and for your glory.
I pray you bring peace and happiness to those suffering from the socially distant requirements of the pandemic. Grant them peace, strength and the joy of your companionship. Help show me how I can be a light to those who feel lonely, stressed, anxious, or afraid. See us safely through this difficult time.
Lord I give thanks that you have enabled us to gather together virtually to worship you even though we are not able to gather physically in the church. Bless us with a spirit of togetherness despite being distanced. Give us the blessing of authentically entering into praise and worship of you even though it may be different from our usual church experience.
A polar vortex is bringing freezing weather to much of the United States this weekend. Bless the homeless and those who do not have adequate protection from the elements. Warm them with your presence and grant them safety in your mercy.
I thank you in advance for answering my prayers. You knew them in my heart before they even came to my lips. It is in Jesus’ name and for his sake I pray.