Saturday’s Prayer — January 23, 2021

Are you there God it’s me...

Thank you for this glorious day. Help me to make the most of it. When I open the curtains to my window I bask in the morning light with hope and expectation. Thank you so much for blessing me with that positive and energetic outlook. It would be so easy to grumble, roll over and pull the covers over my head. But you have given me a spirit that wants to greet the day with a smile and I am grateful.

I ask for your blessings for the sick and shut-in. Heal them of their illnesses, whatever they may be. Heal them of their anxieties and fears. Show me how I may be an instrument of your peace. 

Bless me oh Lord that I may not keep the happiness and joy you have given me to myself, but spread it to others. Even when I can not gather in the traditional ways, show me how I may nevertheless share the good news and refresh tired souls in need of your light.

Help me to remember those less fortunate and present opportunities to me where I can help others in need of a hand. All things come from the oh Lord, so let me not be hesitant to share what you have given me. I was only borrowing it anyway.

Show me how I may grow in grace and wisdom. Let me be obedient to your teachings and yearn to do better each day. And if it is in your will God, let me have fun along the way.

It is in Jesus’ name and for his sake I pray.

